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January 28, 2007


Carol K Hammond

I have made a Kentish/Sussex Pond pudding for my family since my 30's. My great grandmother apparently brought this recipe from 17th century Britan, when her ancestors immigrated to Canada.. I was taught how to make this pudding by my grandmother, a pioneer woman in Kansas.. I have been able to convince even the kids in the family to at least try it.. "Puddin" was a BIG part of my childhood Christmas, and I wanted to be part of the maternal link that has continued this tradition. I did not want to lose this precious tradition on my watch... My own mother is 88 years old and lives in a nursing home, but she LOVES to have "puddin" for Christmas...I hope to teach my daughter or my niece to make puddin..when I can no longer make it. Tis proud I am of continuing a family tradition that must have started in England in the 17th century.(I'm a bit Irish as well) I use a flour sack towel, made by my grandmother, to boil the pudding in.. I boil it a bit longer than the recipe stated.. I use the "boiling time" to wrap gifts,listen to Christmas music and remember the Christmas's of my youth. I have one cousin that has also learned how to make puddin'. I LOVE being able to say that our family has a tradition that has lasted 300 years...THANKS for letting me share.

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