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August 08, 2007



favorited this one, dude


I am looking at a 1789 edition of Mrs Maciver and cannot find the rum shrub recipe listed in the contents. (or any shrubs or punches for that metter.) Was it removed for this later edition perhaps?


Aha, the Shrub recipe is hidden among the pickles & ketchups.

That dumpling by the way looks unbeleivably good! I keep meaning to do more along the dumpling/pudding line; there are so many interesting historical recipes for them...

Adam Balic

The shrub recipe is the second to last recipe in my edition. One tip if you would like to reproduce these historic recipes is to look at Mrs Frazer's "The practice of cookery, pastry, confectionary, pickling, preserving, &c" on google books. Mrs Frazer ran was Mrs Maciver's partner at the cooking school, after Maciver's death the Mrs Frazer published cookbooks which were essentially expanded versions of the Maciver cookbook. One advantage when looking at the Frazer version is that the weights and volumes are given in Scots and English measurements. Scots pounds and pints are very different to the English at this point.

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