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December 22, 2010


Rachel Laudan

Adam, Your usual great detective work. I want to think about this. I am not sure that the condensed milk is not crucial.

Adam Balic

Many recipes mention that condensed milk is easier to use then cream as it is much less likely to catch and scorch. Also it is a store shelf item that was very easy to obtain even in hot climates. The Scottish Tablet is part of a very broad group of condensed milk sweets, so of which have a direct connection (like the Sri Lankan sweets), but there are many that seem to have developed independently. There is even a similar sounding ""tableta de leche" in some South American sources. I imagine that there are condensed milk candies in Mexico?

Valentine Rodger

A.T. Assafrey, my grand-grandfather, qualified as a master confectioner in Talinn, Estonia (which at the time was Reval, Livonia, Russia) before emigrating to Scotland.

Suzanne McDonald

Fantastic article! As someone who runs a business in Dubai making Scottish tablet and selling to many nationalities, I have become aware of the many different names that this sweet goes by. In Canada it is also known as sucre a la creme. I'm delighted to learn more of the history of this fabulous sweet. Thank you.

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